Trauma Informed Practice In Newcastle, NSW
Trauma informed professional development for allied health clinicians, foster carer agencies, teachers, parents and carers.
Trauma Informed Care For Parents, Organisations, Clinical Psychologists, And Allied Health Practitioners
Trauma can have a large impact on a person’s life, and can play a large role in their mental health and wellbeing. According to the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (NSMHWB), 41% of adults reported at least one traumatic event before 17 years of age. The impact that trauma has on the developing brain can vary based on a range of factors, but it is important to note that trauma is not necessarily what has happened to a person, but how that person has reacted to the event.
As children generally have not yet developed ways to understand and deal with traumatic events, childhood trauma can continue to affect a person throughout their life. Wherever possible, it is best to speak to a mental health professional who takes a trauma informed approach as soon as possible to mitigate the effects of the trauma.
Our team at Nest Health Hub are registered psychologists who are well-versed in trauma informed practice and have many years of experience in supporting survivors of complex trauma. We take a caring and compassionate approach to understanding the traumatic event or events a person has been through, and provide support for young people to help them build ways to cope with their trauma.
However, not all registered psychologists and other health professionals are trauma informed. Additionally, many parents are not aware of how best to support their child who has experienced trauma. As a result, we have created the Building New Pathways program.
The Building New Pathways Approach
Building New Pathways is a clinical model based on principles of neuroscience for supporting individuals who have experienced childhood trauma.
Building New Pathways is designed for those who need to support children and adolescents who have experienced early developmental trauma. Building New Pathways explores trauma and brain development, practical strategies for complex behaviours, and relationship-based strategies for improving connections with children, including:
Understanding the impact of trauma on brain development and the “Building New Pathways” model – nervous system repair strategies based on the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT – Bruce Perry);
Learn about the Polyvagal Theory and how to apply practical strategies for safety in the home, school and therapeutic environments;
Explore the common behaviours that we might see as a result of compromised brain development;
Develop a new understanding of a child’s behaviour through The Window of Tolerance and the trauma lens for trauma-based symptoms and explore practical strategies to be used to prevent challenging behaviour;
Explore trauma informed response strategies for common difficulties and behaviours such as anxiety, defiance, emotional outbursts, hyperactivity, sleep problems and aggressive behaviour;
Learn how to develop therapeutic relationships with children and adolescents who have experienced early attachment ruptures;
Explore strategies to create safe and therapeutic environments for traumatised children and adolescents.
Who Is Building New Pathways Suitable For?
Allied Health Practitioners
The Building New Pathways trauma informed practice program has successfully been delivered for a range of allied health practitioners including Clinical Psychologists, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Nutritionists, and more.
Education Settings
The Building New Pathways trauma informed practice program has been implemented for a range of education providers to promote trauma-informed practice in school to support educators to reduce challenging behaviours in the school environment.
We attend organisations and allied health practices to deliver the Building New Pathways program on site. This has included a range of organisations where trauma informed practice training has been delivered to managers, caseworkers and clinical staff.
Parents and Carers
Building New Pathways is delivered to parents and caregivers to support them to understand and respond to challenging behaviours through the lens of the Building New Pathways framework.
Building New Pathways can be delivered:
As a full-day training
As a 3 part series (over 3 weeks)
As a 6 month trauma-informed practice program (including case consultations to embed the Building New Pathways framework in your workplace)
Invest In Trauma Informed Care
Trauma informed care can make a world of difference when it comes to supporting survivors of complex trauma, no matter their age. Trauma informed health professionals such as clinical psychologists and allied health professionals, as well as parents, carers, and organisations, will find our Building New Pathways program beneficial for all involved. This program helps to uncover the impact of trauma on brain development and teaches practical strategies to apply at home, school, and therapeutic environments. To see how trauma informed practice can help you, get in touch with our professional and caring team today.